Shift Soccer Squad
“Shift Digital sets world record for goals scored in single game”…would be an awesome headline if it were true. However, Fall of 2015 marked the first session since its creation, Shift participated in an indoor co-ed league held at Ultimate Soccer Arenas. For some, it wasn’t their first rodeo. For others, it was the first time boots were ever worn.
Surprisingly, the first session was a mild success, having some ups and downs along the way. Vast improvement by some of the Shift athletes helped lead us to some strong victories and some great bonding time amongst friends. Finishing “Season 1” with an above .500 record was a promising start to a futbol dynasty.
As session two is underway, Shift is hopeful for even more success as a team, – both on and off the field. Continuous improvements as athletes and even more strides as a team is the hope for the company and the squad…the soccer squad. So if you are ever bored on a Tuesday night, you know where to find us. – Kevin Pinkos